
LegendBurster’s Semantic Network representation of ESRI shapefile attributes allows for the intuitive expression of queries which are often

* considerably more flexible,                                                <view example>
* logically more powerful,                                                    <view example>
* and more expressive                                                        <view example>

than conventional SQL-type database queries.

LegendBurster’s querying technology provides

* exact matches to queries,
* close and intermediate matches,                                        <view example>
* automatic incorporation of hierarchical classification systems. <view example>

Observing close, but not perfect, matches can be very important during exploratory data analysis.

LegendBurster's powerful Query Results Viewer provides an ideal environment for evaluating the results of any query.


LegendBurster’s customised Ontology Editor allows the development of specialist languages in which to express the map attributes which normally appear in map legends.  These may include complex classification hierarchies. Such  languages are commonly called ontologies. They may utilize the vocabulary of the original legend, or other terms which are preferred by the user, or a combination of both.  Tools are provided for rapid re-attribution of the map with the new terms.  Ontologies developed for one map may be used with other maps by any user of LegendBurster  -  thus facilitating the development and maintenance of standard  languages.

HELP System

LegendBurster's HELP system has been carefully designed to allow new users to quickly familiarise themselves with the powerful concepts on which the system is built.  Most mid-text hyperlinks are implemented as pop-up windows, so that using them does not close the source-page, even when drilling down a number of levels (view example).  Clicking outside the pop-up window removes it.

To follow a step-by-step guide through Legend Burster, please click HERE