Introducing the Mineral Deposit Description Panel

The Mineral Deposit Description Panel provides all the tools for describing mineral deposit and mineral deposit models, using standard vocabularies, and a mineral deposit description framework described in Appendix 1.

It is most important to read and understand the MineMatch deposit description framework in Appendix 1 before attempting to describe any mineral deposit or models using MineMatch.

The Mineral Deposit Description Panel consists of a Menu bar (1), a Toolbar (2), and a Description Viewer (3).

  1. Main Menu Bar

    The main menu bar consists of 5 menus:

    a) File
    b) Edit
    c) View
    d) Options
    e) Help

  2. Main Toolbar

    The main toolbar consists of the following 11 buttons, which are described in detail in the section titled The Description Panel Toolbar:

    a) Full expand
    b) Full collapse
    c) Create new model/deposit
    d) Add attribute
    e) Delete attribute
    f) Edit/Search mode
    g) Copy node
    h) Paste node
    i) Refresh
    j) Commit changes
    k) Show grid

  3. Description Viewer

    The description viewer consists of a single treeview that shows the details of all mineralisation models or instances.