Getting Advice on Improving or Degrading Matches

The advice window displays the advice for a match pair.  There are several components in the advice window:



1) Query object

A textbox that displays the name of the query object.


2) Match object

A textbox that displays the name of the match (compared) object.


3) Additional information to be added to worsen the match

A window that displays the rank, a short description, and score change which would result if certain additional information could be confirmed.  This "negative" advice thus indicates how  adding more information to the match object would worsen the match score (quality of match between) for the query object and match object.


4) Existing information to be changed to worsen the match

A window that displays the rank, a short description, and score change which would result if certain information was changed.  This "negative" advice thus indicates how changing some information about the match object would worsen the match score (quality of match between)for the query object and match object.


5) Details of negative advice

Double click on any negative advice item, and the details for that advice will be shown in this textbox.


6) Additional information to be added to improve the match

A window that displays the rank, a short description, and score change which would result if certain additional information could be confirmed.  This "positive" advice thus indicates how  adding more information to the match object would improve the match score (quality of match between) for the query object and match object.


7) Existing information to be changed to improve  the match

A window that displays the rank, a short description, and score change which would result if certain information was changed.  This "positive" advice thus indicates how changing some information about the match object would improve the match score (quality of match between)for the query object and match object.


8) Details of positive advice

Double click on any positive advice item, and the details for that advice will be shown in this textbox.