Working with the WordList Editor

To query a shapefile using LegendBurster, semantic nets need to be defined for each map object (line, point, or polygon).  To define semantic nets accurately, a complete ontology is needed.  To create a complete ontology, meaningful words that appear in the database fields attached to the shape file need to be classified.  To ensure the use of all these words correctly, a word list is very useful.

Thus,the WordList Editor is a non-required, but extremely useful part of Legend Burster.

The WordList Editor can display all individual words that appear in the current database field, referenced to each context within which they occur.  Alternatively, it can produce a list of each unique entry occurring in a shapefile attribute field.   It also provides the tools to make the word list more compact, and more accurate.

Each word or phrase in the word list is given a status, which changes depending on the action carried out on the word or phrase.  LegendBurster can produce formatted reports of the word lists, some of which are grouped on status.  Different status values are listed below, after the descriptions of the WordList Editor functions:


The WordList Editor's contains these features:

1)   The Original Word List.

This is the original complete word list.  It is displayed for reference - to remind the user of what the list looked like before any corrections were made.

2)   The Corrected Word List.

This is the word list after all the user-specified corrections.  It is the most up-to date list, and the one that would be used in the Ontology Editor once the user chooses to go to it.


3)   Correcting Spelling

4)   Creating Compound-Words

5)   Modifying Compound-Words

6)   Creating/Modifying Synonyms

7)   Ignoring Words

8)   Managing Ignored Words

9)   Viewing full word occurrences

The words that appear in the word lists may be extracted from lists, phrases or sentences.  If the user wanted to see all the different contexts that the word appears in, he/she needs only to click on the word, and all the unique occurrences will appear in this box.

After refining the word list, the user would normally advance to the Ontology Editor. However, the user is able to return to the WordList Editor at any time to make adjustments.

If this is the user's first session with the shapefile, the Ontology Editor will take time to load due to the fact that initial semantic nets need to be created for each map object.  Later sessions will take very little time to load.

Status Values for Words/Phrases in the Word List:

Words and phrases in the WordList Editor will always have one of the following status values:




Word/phrase appears in original list, but is to be left out of final list.


Word/phrase appears in final list as it did in the original list.


This is a revised spelling, to appear in the final list in place of a word or phrase that appeared in the original list.


This is a new word added to the list (to appear in the final list) which has no direct relationship to any word in the original list.


This is the preferred word/phrase, which will appear in the final list, of a collection of synonymous words/phrases, the others of which will have status "synonym", and will not appear in the final list.


This is a word (which will not appear in the final list) whose spelling has been corrected.


See explanation under "prefsynonym".


Proceed to the Ontology Editor