Query Net Editor Main Menu

The functions of the five menus in the Control Panel Main Menu bar are described below:

The File Menu

  1. Refresh - Refreshes the treeview inside the query viewer.

  2. RollBack Changes - Undoes the changes made to the query nets.

  3. Commit Changes - Permanently saves the changes made to the query nets.

  4. Print... - Normal printing.

  5. Print Via MS Excel... - If MS Excel is installed, this will print to a spreadsheet

  6. Exit - Exits the program.

The Edit Menu

  1. <Create New Query> - Creates a new Query, which has to be named (using no more than 10 characters, which is the maximum length for a field in the shapefile DBF table).

  2. Add Attribute... - Adds an attribute and its value to the query net node in focus.  (The value will be selected from whatever is allowed by the available ontology.

  3. Delete Attribute -  Deletes the node in focus

  4. Copy Node - Copies current node to the clipboard

  5. Paste Node - Pastes a copy of the node on the clipboard into the current node.

  6. Create Directed Graph - Draws a directed graph for the selected query in the internet browser.

  7. Find... - Searches for a word in the semantic net viewer, and colours any row yellow that includes the word.

  8. Reset Search Results Indicators - Removes yellow colour from any rows which included "found" words

The View Menu

  1. Full Expand - Expands the entire treeview inside the semantic net viewer so that all attribute value items (nodes) will be displayed.

  2. Full Collapse - Collapses the entire treeview inside the semantic net viewer so that all attribute value items (nodes) will be hidden.

  3. Columns... - Opens a window allowing you to pick which columns are shown in the treeview.

  4. Word Wrap - Turns wordwrap on and off for the semantic net treeview.

The Options Menu

  1. Show Grid - When checked, all rows will be shown inside a grid.

  2. Edit Mode - When checked, the treeview is in edit mode, in which user can perform modifications to the descriptions for the mineralisation models/deposits.

  3. Search Mode - When checked, the treeview is in search mode, in which user can only search for items inside the treeview, but cannot modify the descriptions for the mineralisation models/deposits.

Proceed to the Add Attribute to Query Panel