Map Browser

The Map Browser is a simple tool designed for rapid review of the spatial distribution of attribute values in the project's shapefile.  The individual values for a particular field are randomly mapped to a color, and these colors are used to shade the resulting map.

Since the Map Browser can display the semantic nets of selected objects, it can demonstrate some of the advantages of using LegendBurster in the ArcGis 8 environment  -  where the map-display of the LegendBurster shapefile can be linked to any legend, using the full power of ArcGIS (not simply the query score, as in this version of LegendBurster).

To simulate the ArcGIS environment, select a field on which to colour the Map Browser map which does not have too many values (so that an impossibly long legend can be avoided). Then sort the query results of your choice in the "Scores Viewer", and select the highest scored object.  Then click your way down from the top, observing which objects in the map are selected together with their scores  -  and which legend-classes they belong to.

To open the map browser, click "Tools/Map Browser"

A drop-down list (Item (1))  displays all the available fields in the shapefile, one of which may be selected for the map legend.

Each individual value in the selected field will receive a separate random color, and the map will be displayed (Item (2)).

The Legend (Item (3)) will display the colours corresponding with each field value.

(4)  Show Entire Map

Clicking on this button will show the full coverage of the map, centred in the available plotting space of the Map Viewer.

(5)  Pan Tool

At any time, you can pan the view by dragging it in any direction with the Pan tool.


(6)  Zoom In Tool

Zooms in to the box you define on the map.


(7)  Zoom Out Tool

Zooms out from the position you click on the map.


(8)  Identify / Select Tool

This tool allows you to select an object in the map by clicking on it.


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