MapObject Net Editor Drop-Down Menu

Right-clicking in the Semantic Net Viewer area of the MapObject Net Editor produces a drop-down menu with many of the appropriate Main Menu function, as well as the important "Create Directed Graph" function.

This is the drop-down menu that will appear:

Set Focus on Map Object  This will cause the selected mapObject  in the semantic net viewer to become the selected object in the Map Viewer, panning the map, if necessary. (This function is available only if the Map Viewer is active.)

Create New MapObject  <View description in pop-up>

Direct Add...  <View description in pop-up>

Add Attribute...  <View description in pop-up>

Add Attribute to all...<View description in pop-up>

Delete Attribute  Deletes the current attribute.

Delete Attribute from all  <View description in pop-up>

The Copy Node command will copy to the clipboard the attribute selected at the time the drop-down menu was activated.

The Paste Node command will paste the attribute held in the clipboard onto the attribute selected at the time the drop-down menu was activated, but only if the attribute is acceptable, according to the ontology, in the selected position.

Fully Expand Current Node - Expands the current node inside the semantic net viewer so that all its attribute value items (nodes) will be displayed.

Fully Collapse Current Node - Collapses the current node inside the semantic net viewer so that its attribute value items (nodes) will be hidden.

For the "Create Directed Graph" choice to be active, the right-click must have been on the top (identifying) node of a mapObject.

This action will use ATT's public domain GraphViz program to draw a diagrammatic representation of the in-focus semantic net in your web browser (see example).  Since the GraphViz program stores the network diagrams in SVG format, it requires that Adobe's free SVG Viewer plug-in be already installed in the local browser. (The SVG Viewer is distributed with LegendBurster, and may be installed by running the installation program in the /Program Files/LegendBurster/ directory.  Alternatively, it may be obtained directly from the web site.)

These diagrams are often a more aesthetically pleasing way of presenting the information in a semantic net than a printout of a tree-list.  Each diagram created is stored in the /Program Files/LegendBurster/SVG/ directory for later access.  They are directly editable in graphics programs such as CorelDraw 10.

Find... - Searches for a word in the semantic net viewer, and colours any row yellow that includes the word.

Reset Search Results Indicators - Removes yellow colour from any rows which included "found" words

Proceed to the Net Editor ToolBar or

Proceed to Building Semantic Nets