The MapObject Net Editor Main Menu

The functions of the five menus in the Control Panel Main Menu bar are described below:

The File Menu


  1. Refresh - Refreshes the treeview inside the description viewer.

  2. RollBack Changes - Undoes the changes made to the semantic nets.

  3. Commit Changes - Permanently saves the changes made to the semantic nets.

  4. Print... - Normal printing.

  5. Print Via MS Excel... - If MS Excel is installed, this will print to a spreadsheet

  6. Exit - Exits the program.

The Edit Menu


  1. <Create New MapObject> - New mapObjects cannot be created in this version of LegendBurster - although they can be created in the ArcGIS 8.x version, which is available from Georeference Online Ltd.

  2. Direct Add... - Copies attribute values directly from a shapefile field into mapObject nets by creating a new node for each attribute/attribute value pair.  The following conditions apply: (a)  The attribute has to be already present in the Ontology Editor, of type Free Text or Free Numeric;  (b) The shapefile field from which the values are to be taken has to be "in focus". (c) The create/copy operation should be initiated immediately after left-clicking the mouse on the first mapObject in the mapObject Net Editor window. The attribute/value node will be added immediately below the root attribute for each map object.

  3. Add Attribute... - Adds an attribute and its value to the semantic net node in focus.  (The value will be selected from whatever is allowed by the available ontology.)

  4. Add Attribute to all... - Adds an attribute(s) and its value(s) to the semantic net node in focus, and to all other equivalently placed nodes which have the same .dbf field value (for the field in focus) as the record in focus.  All nodes which receive such an addition are coloured red.  (The value will be selected from whatever is allowed by the available ontology.) For each .dbf field of interest, this function is used to attribute the semantic nets, from the first, through to the last, based on the .dbf field values. Once all the screen is red, all attributes will have been moved from the .dbf field to the semantic nets.  The red colouring can then be removed, in preparation for the next cycle of attributing, by clicking on the "Reset" button.

  5. Delete Attribute -  Deletes the node in focus

  6. Delete Attribute from All... - This is the "delete" equivalent of the action described in (d) above (ie: The node in focus, and all equivalently placed nodes in semantic nets whose .dbf tables have the same value as the value of the in-focus semantic net, will be deleted.  (This is normally used to correct errors made with "Add Attributes to All".)

  7. Copy Node - Copies current node to the clipboard

  8. Paste Node - Pastes a copy of the node on the clipboard into the current node.

  9. Create Directed Graph - Creates a directed graph for the selected map object.

  10. Find... - Searches for a word below a selected item in the semantic net viewer.

  11. Reset Search Results Indicators - Resets the highlighted items that are results from a previous search process.

The View Menu


  1. Full Expand - Expands the entire treeview inside the semantic net viewer so that all attribute value items (nodes) will be displayed.

  2. Full Collapse - Collapses the entire treeview inside the semantic net viewer so that all attribute value items (nodes) will be hidden.

  3. Use Edit Indicators - A toggle setting to control whether the Editor colours newly edited nets red or not.

  4. Reset Edit Indicators - Clicking on this bar will remove the red edit colours used to indicate that an edit operation has been carried out on a node.

  5. Columns... - Opens a window allowing you to pick which columns are shown in the treeview.

  6. Word Wrap - Turns wordwrap on and off for the semantic net treeview.

The Options Menu


  1. Show Grid - When checked, all rows will be shown inside a grid.

  2. Show Inherited Attributes - When checked, inherited attribute values will be displayed in the treeview.

  3. Edit Mode - When checked, the treeview is in edit mode, in which user can perform modifications to the descriptions for the mineralisation models/deposits.

  4. Search Mode - When checked, the treeview is in search mode, in which user can only search for items inside the treeview, but cannot modify the descriptions for the mineralisation models/deposits.

  5. Session Info... - Displays the knowledge capture session information, i.e. Contact address for the person who entered the attribute, and its reference source.


Proceed to the Add Attribute Panel