Excluded and Reserved Words

There are various special words in LegendBurster.  They can be subdivided into two categories:  Excluded words, and Reserved Words

Excluded Words and characters

When the WordList Editor parses the shapefile data, it puts individual words into records of the WordList Editor.  However, certain words ("the", "and", "or", "as", etc.) are automatically ignored, and various characters (#, %, etc.), when found at the end of words are also ignored.  This is intended to make the word list more understandable and concise.  If the user wishes not to ignore these words, then he/she can go to this form, found under "Tools/Manage Excluded/Reserved words", and modify the settings.

Reserved Words

Also, there are various words that are reserved, and cannot be used in the Ontology Editor because of restrictions imposed by the computer's operating system or by its database engine.  These cannot be modified, and are only here for the user's reference.

The Excluded and Reserved Words and Characters management screen is shown below.