Adding to Individual MapObjects

In the early stages of most LegendBurster projects, attributes are added to mapObjects' semantic net descriptions using the "Add to All ..." and "Add Direct" methods, which transfer attribute values "in bulk" from the shapefile attributes table to the semantic nets.

As the projects mature, however, or to correct errors in the original shapefile data, it becomes necessary to add attributes to individual mapObjects (or to delete individual attribute/value pairs).

This is achieved by finding the mapObject that needs to be updated, finding the entity in its description that needs an attribute added, selecting it with the mouse, and clicking on the "Add Attribute button (shown on the left).

The following illustration shows the sematic net for Map Object 1 in a LegendBurster project immediately before the "Add Attribute" button is clicked to add an attribute to the Metallogenic_Belt entity (which itself is an attribute of Map Object 1).  Note that selected nodes in LegendBurster hierarchies are always coloured in light-blue.

Clicking on the "Add Attribute" button will bring up the "Add Attribute" panel, which is explained in the section entitled "The Add Attribute Panel".

After the "Duration" attribute and its value have been added to Map Object 1 using the "Add Attribute Panel", is semantic net will appear as shown in the illustration below:

The red colour is added to assist with keeping track of where additions have been made, and can easily be removed at any time with the "Reset Edit Indicators" button, shown on the left.